Sep 2022 – Walking target achieved!

Back in November 2020, in the midst of a national Covid lockdown, we set out to do a different circular walk each week. At some point, this turned into a project to complete 52 different walks (one for each week of a walking year) and to document those walks on this website. Well, given (thankfully) all the disruptions of a return to a more normal life, it has taken us almost two years. But this week we achieved our target!

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August 2022 walks

Just 2 walks to go to hit our target of completing 52 different local-ish circular walks. We didn’t make much progress in late July or August owing to holidays – a big European rail trip and our usual summer family visit to Ireland. We did notch up a couple of walks in County Antrim, and then our penultimate local walk project outing when we got back… almost there!

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April / May 2022 walks

April was a poor month for our walking, albeit interrupted mostly for good reasons – holiday, Easter, and family visits. For the first time in two-and-a-half years, we even managed to leave the UK with a long weekend in Amsterdam and Antwerp. We did manage to log a decent (not really circular) walk during a trip to Norfolk, which doesn’t really count towards our local walks project. We got back to that in May.

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